Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Teatro do fin do ano

As usual we spent New Year’s Eve quietly, however it was wonderful to be able to see quite a lot of the Melbourne midnight fireworks from the window of the front room. Vince always laughs at me when I say the Brunswick flat has “city views” but indeed we could see most of the pyrotechnics that were set off from the tops of buildings.

A few years ago I was lucky enough to resume an old connection with my childhood penfriend, Rosario, in Portugal. When we were schoolgirls and later students, we carried on a long friendship by correspondence. It was one of those legendary exchanges of letters that went on for years, accompanied by the sense of excitement when one opens a letter that has travelled through time and space half way across the world.

Now, we email and skype each other infrequently, as we are both busy, but it is great to know that we still think of each other and remember the two times we met, many years ago. Both of those times, I visited her in Lisbon. The second visit was when we were already at University: she almost finished medicine and I just completed my Arts Degree and spending a year in Germany. I had spent Christmas in Prague, and then flown from Munich to Portugal. As was their custom, we travelled to their country house in a village quite some distance from Lisbon. I don’t know where it was, but I recall the long car trip, during which we amused ourselves by making up a play to be performed later that night during the party.

I recently found an original typed copy of the play, and I reproduce it here for your amusement. I played the role of the Old Year, Rosario was cheeky and flirty as the New Year and her brother Pedro was the rather lecherous Mr Time.

AUTORA:  Dana Svoboda
INTERPRETES:  Dana Svoboda, Maria do Rosario, Pedro Miguel, Joao Manuel.
Mr Time:              My dear friends, you see me here today
                                With my affairs in a very bad way
                                I have two friends, well, friends is maybe not
                                The word – the friendship is more hot
                                And these two ladies meet each other now
                                And what results is an enormous row
                                Which you will see performed – may I be so bold
                                As to present them: Lovely New Year, and Experienced Old!
                                As for myself, don’t you know who I am?
                                The never old great lover, Mr Time.
Old Year:              I don’t know what this world is coming to,
                                A woman hardly knows now what to do!
                                One whole year I’ve been everything for him,
                                And now, my hair is grey, my eyes are dim.
                                So much I’ve done so much I’ve taught and learned,
                                So much achieved, so much I’ve lost and earned.
                                He cannot leave me now for this other one
                                All she thinks of is dancing, wine and fun!
New Year:           Mr Time is really not a boy
                                And with this old one these is no more joy.
                                I want to make them both happy and gay,
                                Warm their night and brighten up their day,
                                But the old year is a very jealous dame.
                                (If I were her, I would be just the same)
                                She is full of dignity and pride,
                                I am young and free, with nothing to hide.
Mr Time:              Good evening, how charming you are both here
                                On the 31st of December, to have you near
                                Is quite an honour.
Old Year:              Do not flatter us. You must choose!
                                Tonight my friendship you retain or lose.
                                I feel you do not want me, someone new
                                Has come to be your friend and walk with you.
New Year:           No no, that is all wrong….
Old Year:                                                        Spare your voice!
                                I know this world. There is only one choice:
                                All or nothing! Me or you! And I
                                Am better – all these people here know why.
                                I have done so much: America
                                Has Carter, justice, peace. The Eroica
                                Was played for the one millionth time. The Shah
                                Bought 20 German films and a Rolls Royce car…
New Year:           But all that is passé – I bring you youth,
                                Flowers, incense, poetry and truth.
Old Year:              Fine words, but where is the reality?
                                I also once had dreams and look at me!
                                Take my advice and stay away from Time!
                                He has his price, this is no pantomime.
New Year:           Oh no – like that you cannot frighten me.
                                For this is always how things must be
                                You think I am a silly girl, but no,
                                I am more clever than my features show.
                                The young can teach the old – so come and see
                                Join hands with Father Chronos and with me.
Mr Time:              Yes, come my faithful friend of times gone by
                                You must not think that I will pass you by
                                And leave you for another – you are still
                                Important as her teacher, for she will
                                Charm all the world for 12 months now to come
                                And then, old, give way to another one
                                But never be forgotten.
Old Year:              If only I could know with certainty
                                That your love will last for eternity.
New Year:           That is why I have come, for only he
                                Who values change can love the past, you see.
Mr Time:              Each one has her time and place, to be
                                Without one is impossible for me.
                                The Old Year gives me wisdom and advice
                                But the New Year, well, she is just so nice………!


1 comment:

  1. Lots of fun, and seasonally appropriate too!
    Cheers, Michael
