Wednesday, December 4, 2013

From the thoughts of Bobby Gatto of Brunswick

“I find it annoying that the female staff member spends so much time in front of the small screen instead of attending to me. Whenever I attempt to press the buttons in admiring emulation of her (well, really only to capture her attention), she gets very agitated and pushes me off the table. OFF the table! How dare she! Therefore, I take every opportunity to sit ON the table. She also gets annoyed when I sit on the lovely white, warm, smooth paper that she spreads out and makes strange markings on. She is slowly learning that I will stay away from her for a while if she gives me a handful of crunchies in my bowl.

Both the female and the male staff members get annoyed when I sharpen my elegant claws on the floor coverings. They don’t understand that it is so much easier for me than doing this on the rough wood outside. Not that there is much wood out there, only vast expanses of concrete. But again, they are slowly learning that if they give me crunchies, the scratching stops. I really despair of their intelligence. Occasionally I have to resort to desperate measures and am reduced to giving a short sharp nip on the arm or leg.

Ah yes, biting. That reminds me of my terrible kittenhood, when a swift bite was all the defence I had. But that is another story. Perhaps I should tell my story to the world, a bit like my distant relative Henri. I have heard my staff talking about him and he seems to be doing rather well for himself. Not as well as I am, of course. I have really landed on my paws here in Brunswick……”


  1. Just another hipster cat?

  2. mmm what can I say .. seems quite happy and content in Brunswick..
