Saturday, November 9, 2013

An evening at the Prom

It was a perfect day in Melbourne. Not everyone was at the races. Thousands of people converged at Tidal River on Wilsons Promontory, to take part in the Hands Off Parks action. I travelled down on the bus organised by the VNPA, and immediately found people I knew. We arrived in time for a picnic lunch on the beach at Norman Bay and then we all went for various walks.

At 6.30pm we started to take our places in the allocated letters which were to spell out the human sign “Hands Off Parks!” I was at the top of the D. It was a carnival atmosphere, with some people bringing wine and snacks. The blimp with the camera ( Cloud Nine Photography ) took pictures and these were sent back to The Age newspaper in time for the deadline for the Sunday edition.
 As the light faded and the pink clouds wrapped around the granite peak of Mount Oberon, we started shining the torches towards the cameras located on the Squeaky Beach track opposite the Tidal River beach.

I am very grateful to the VNPA and the Prom Campers Association for organising this protest action. I hope the government will take notice and not allow development inside National Parks which should be kept as close to their natural state as possible.
I was back in Brunswick by midnight, but hope to have a longer stay at the Prom soon.


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