Sunday, September 8, 2013

The first tram of the day

Yesterday I was out and about even before the first number 96 came trundling up Nicholson Street from the depot. I was parked alongside a church hall, having claimed prime spot for the political banner I was tasked to set up.  Yesterday was federal election day and the culmination of months of campaigning and preparation.
I needn’t have been out quite so early. Only in the hotly contested seat of Melbourne were the political volunteers out as early as possible to get the plum spots on the school fences, the church hall gates and even the trees and bushes. Many people slept in their cars to guard their posters. It was, as it turns out, worth the effort.
However, Wills was not a battleground. The other parties turned up just an hour before the gates opened to the voters. They were a bit surprised to see me, but there was fence space enough for all.
One compensation for my early morning vigil was watching the first trams, and seeing the early morning sunshine on this beautiful Art Deco building on the opposite street corner.

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