Thursday, October 24, 2013

Wildlife Rescue

Last weekend I noticed the two white plumed honeyeaters flying around the dense creeper on the wall of our apartment block. I had been aware of them for the past week or so, as we only occasionally see native species in this inner suburban setting.

But their behaviour was strange:

Sunday, October 13, 2013

Urban Dweller

Right next door to the Brotherhood of St Lawrence’s vast shop on Brunswick Road, a new place has just opened up in what used to be a fish and chip café. But I discovered that it is more than just a shop; it has the air of a gallery, with its beautifully laid out sets of retro kitchenware, tableware, furniture, books and pictures. And its most interesting feature is the owner.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Meeting the ghost sign man

Dr Stefan Schutt at the Lewis & Skinner exhibition
Character, circumstance and chance: those were the three “c’s” that I was taught about in Ulverstone High School so many years ago (or should I say decades ago?). They refer to the three essential elements of Shakespearean tragedy.
But they are also relevant to the story behind the exhibition I attended today: the Lewis and Skinner (an old Melbourne signwriting company) papers and recreation of an artisan hand painted sign on the side of an old building in Yarraville (now Lady Moustache Café).