Monday, March 26, 2012

The Brunswick Trugo Club

The sign on the gate says it all: Elderly Citizens. A recent article in the Age Good Weekend described Trugo as “Seniors Game on”, however it seems a great game for children. Certainly on the fine Sunday afternoon when I attended a social event at the Brunswick Trugo Club, the children were revelling in the lush green grass of the pitch and enjoying hitting the rubber wheel and generally making up their own rules. 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Retail Therapy

Yesterday I was feeling quite blue so I went for a walk around my usual circuit: Lygon Street to Glenlyon or further and then through the back streets. However, I was prompted to take not only my camera but also my entire purse, including credit card. Walking staunchly past the icecream shop without stopping for consolation, I headed for Paul’s bookshop. Resisting the urge to buy a $10 copy of “The German Spirit” by Watson, I headed further north past the bright lights of Mirabella showrooms.